Mailbox Repair/Replacement Policy
A Mail Box or Post will be replaced if the front of the Post is three feet or more from the edge of the black top and the front of the Mail Box is two feet from the edge of the back top.
In subdivisions where the deed restrictions requiring all Mail Boxes and posts to be of the same design, the Township will not replace these design Mail Boxes or Posts. The Township will compensate the home owner $60.00 toward the replacement after written notice from the home owner.
All other Mail Boxes or Posts will be replaced with a standard or traditional design box and single, pressure treated 4x4 wooden post, with no extended arm.
The Mail Box or the Post will not be painted. This will be the responsibility of the home owner.
All Mail Boxes and Posts will be installed in accordance with United States Postal Services specification #GPO: 1986-0-153-032.
Effective Date: 4/14/96
Amended Date: 7/12/01